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Related Organizations

Michigan Partners


Center for Educational Performance and Information is a state agency that compiles, analyzes and reports data about Michigan's public schools and students.

Gongwer News Service

Political newsletter, published daily, that contains information on legislative and administrative activities in and around the Capitol.

Governor of Michigan

Information pertaining to the function and activities of the Governor of Michigan.

House Fiscal Agency

Fiscal analyses and reports on state budgets.


The Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators is comprised of superintendents representing the 57 Intermediate School Districts (ISDs) across the state. MAISA provides leadership development, collaborative structures, project management, and customized support for the work of its members.


The Michigan Association of Superintendents & Administrators provides technical, personal and legal services to superintendents and their assistants of Michigan’s public schools.


The Michigan Association of School Personnel Administrators is dedicated to the support and development of K-12 public education personnel/human resource professionals.


The Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals serves administrators across the state who are aspiring to become a principal.


The Michigan Department of Education provides resources and technical support to Michigan’s public school system. The department also functions as a resource for federal education requirements and funding.


The Michigan Education Association is a self-governing education association dedicated to advocating for quality public education.


The Michigan Elementary and Middle School Principals Association is a community of principals dedicated to advocating and leading new principals towards success.

Michigan After-School Partnership

The Michigan After-School Partnership (MASP) is a statewide network developing a shared vision and influencing others to believe in the power of after-school programs to help all children and youth succeed.

Michigan’s Children

Michigan's Children is a statewide, multi-issue, independent, broad-based advocacy group which works with policymakers, communities, other organizations and the public to improve the quality of life for children and their families.

Michigan eLibrary

The Michigan eLibrary provides all Michigan residents with free access to online full-text articles, full-textbooks, digital images, and other valuable research information at any time via the Internet; and provide an easy-to-use interlibrary loan system to allow Michigan residents to borrow books and other library materials for free from participating Michigan libraries.

Michigan House of Representatives

Information on members, activities and pending legislation.

Michigan Legislature

Contains information on all legislative activities, including text of all legislation introduced in Michigan for the current session.

Michigan Political Leadership Program

This Michigan State University unit provides public policy research and political leadership training through its Michigan Political Leadership Program and Legislative Leadership Program.

Michigan Senate

Information on members, activities, pending legislation.

Michigan School Data Website

MI School Data provides views of Michigan education data to help make informed decisions, to help improve instruction and to enable school systems to prepare a higher percentage of students to succeed in rigorous high school courses, college and challenging careers.

Michigan Virtual

Michigan Virtual is a nonprofit educational organization that is leading and collaborating to build learning environments for tomorrow. Driven by student success, we have a strong record of supporting Michigan education that spans more than two decades. While many know us for our research-based, quality online learning options for students and professional development for educators, we also do a great deal of work behind the scenes to conduct original research, test innovations in learning, and provide consulting partnerships to promote effective practices. 


The Michigan Pupil Accounting and Attendance Association promotes best practices and provides training related to data management and attendance accountability in public schools in Michigan.


The Michigan School Public Relations Association provides support and guidance in positive public relations techniques for districts to use for their respective schools.

Middle Cities Education Association

The Middle Cities Education Association is a consortium of urban school districts that was formed out of a shared commitment to improving educational opportunities for the urban learner. The unique mission and emphasis of Middle Cities is to serve as an advocate for member districts to ensure quality educational programs for all students.


The Regional Educational Media Center is a nonprofit organization that provides professional development programs to the 28 regional media centers operated through the intermediate school district structure.

Senate Fiscal Agency

Fiscal analyses and reports on state budgets.

National Partners


AASA, The School Superintendents Association advocates for equitable access for all students to the highest quality public education, and develops and supports school system leaders.


The American Association of School Librarians is an affiliated organization that aims to ensure schools across the nation have quality libraries for students to use.

American School Board Journal

The award-winning, editorially independent education magazine published by the National School Boards Association.

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

An effective tool for educating youngsters about the dangers of smoking.


The Education Commission of the States helps states develop effective policy and practice for public education by providing data, research, analysis and leadership.

Education Trust

The Education Trust promotes academic achievement for all students at all levels by working alongside educators, parents, students, policymakers and civic/business leaders across the country to provide assistance to transform schools that serve all students.

Education Week

The online version of Education Week, the classic publication for national news on K-12 education.


The Educational Resources Information Center, funded by OERI, is a nationwide information network that acquires catalogs, summarizes, and provides access to education information from all sources. The data base and ERIC document collections are housed in about 3,000 locations worldwide, including most major public and university library systems.


The Educational Testing Service Network is a gateway to definitive information about college and graduate school admissions and placement tests, with links to AP, GRE, GMAT, SAT, The Praxis Series and TOEFL sites, as well as other educational resources.

Kids Count

Kids Count is the premier source of data on child and family well-being in the United States. Access hundreds of indicators, download data and create reports and graphics on the Kids Count Data Center.


National PTA

The National Parent Teacher Association is a nonprofit organization that acts as a resource for families and communities and a strong advocate for public education.


The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards is a nonprofit organization that strives to advance the quality of teaching and learning by developing professional standards for accomplished teaching and integrating Board-certifed teachers into educational reform efforts.


The National Center for Education Statistics is the primary federal agency responsible for the collection, analysis and the reporting of data related to education in the United States.


The National Education Association is the nation’s largest professional employee organization and is committed to advancing the cause of public education.


The National School Boards Association works with state associations in advocating for equity and excellence in public education through school board leadership.


The National School Public Relations Association is a professional organization dedicated to building all support and trust for education through responsible public relations that leads to success for all students.

Phi Delta Kappan

Phi Delta Kappan, the professional journal for education, addresses policy issues for educators at all levels. An advocate for research-based school reform, the Kappan provides a forum for debate on controversial subjects.

The Public Agenda Foundation

A nonpartisan, nonprofit public opinion research and citizen education organization.


School Leaders Risk Management Association is a not-for-profit organization governed by a board consisting of executive directors of state school board associations. SLRMA provides information to assist K-12 public school districts, as well as public school district self-insured pools, in preventing unwanted and unwarranted school board legal liability claims.

Smarter Balanced

The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium is a state-led consortium working to develop next-generation assessments that accurately measure student progress.

U.S. Department of Education

The U.S Department of Education is dedicated to establishing policies on federal financial aid, collecting data on America’s schools, focusing national attention on key educational issues and ensuring equal access to education.

U.S. House of Representatives

Home page for the United States House of Representatives. Information on members, activities and pending legislation.

U.S. Senate

Home page for the United States Senate. Information on members, activities and pending legislation.